Personal Life, Writing Thomas H. Brand Personal Life, Writing Thomas H. Brand

How Is the Writing Going?

Thank you to everyone who has asked me this recently.

It may not seem like much, but it means a lot to me when people ask me this. Not only is it a sign that people are actually interested in me and what I’m doing with my life, but it also makes me think it’s not so ridiculous to call myself “a writer”.

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Blog, Personal Life Thomas H. Brand Blog, Personal Life Thomas H. Brand

So it’s been a year…

I spent a little time figuring out what the exact point for “a year” should be. But I rapidly decided it wasn’t worth the time. There was no one, single moment when it all "happened". Let's just say "it's been a year".

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Blog, Personal Life Thomas H. Brand Blog, Personal Life Thomas H. Brand

I Hate My Smile

I don’t like my smile, and I haven’t done for a long time. But in recent times, I’ve found myself being pushed to acknowledge these feelings, recognise they are unnecessary, and put them behind me.

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