Get ready for Polyamory Week 2022

A celebration of the unexpected!

It's almost that time of year again. Yes, it's the week where we celebrate everything about the world of polyamory and ethical non-monogamy in all its forms! 

The first year I marked this occasion, I focused on all the good in polyamory. Then, last year, I flipped the coin and spent some time delving into its darker side. 

So this year, I've decided to explore everything unexpected. The things I didn't see coming. The elements I never even considered when I began this journey. 

Every day from 7th to 13th February 2022, I will be posting about one of the elements of polyamory that I simply wasn't expecting when I started out on my journey. From the people I've met along the way, to the ways it's helped me learn to be myself, to the things it's has taught me about my life in general. 

I'll also be sharing posts from other creators celebrating Polyamory Week in their own way. Not everyone does it in the same way I do, but it's been beautiful each year to see all the other ways people celebrate this lifestyle. 

The other piece of news is that I'll be hosting my Polyamory Week posts on my new website, Discovering Polyamory. This is my new platform to exclusively focus on my work on ethical non-monogamy. I'll still be writing on Medium and sharing posts here. But, by and large, my new Discovering Polyamory accounts will be where I will be focusing this kind of work. 

So if you're not following me on the Discovering Polyamory Instagram or Facebook accounts already, do so now to make sure you don't miss a single post. 

And if you started following me recently and missed the first two years, you can find each year collected at the links below. 

As always, let me know any questions you might have, or any topics you might want to see discussed. If I can’t fit them into my schedule for the week, I’ll make sure I get around to them in other posts as soon as I can. Or, if you’d prefer, answer them privately. 

See you all at Polyamory Week 2022!


“A House of Ghosts” by W. C. Ryan


“Mating in Captivity: Reconciling the Erotic and Domestic” by Esther Perel