“Pandemonium” by Christophe Bec and Stefano Raffaele
A fun dark read that’s just long enough to be satisfying without overstaying its welcome.
“City of Thieves” by David Benioff
I went into this City of Thieves blind, not knowing what to expect. What I found was a well researched and entertaining story of a side of the Second World War that we don’t hear a lot about in the West. However, there was something about it stopping clicking with me as well as I thought it should have.
“Where The Crawdads Sing” by Delia Owens
If you are a reader who prefers beautifully detailed setting and description rather than consistent character and satisfying payoffs, this is the book for you. Where the Crawdads Sing wasn't a bad read, but Owen's experience as a non-fiction nature writer shines through.