Blog Thomas H. Brand Blog Thomas H. Brand

The Agony of Choice

Does anyone else find it hard when they come to the end of a book or TV show?

When I finish whichever series or story I’ve been invested in for so long, I find myself at a complete loss for what to do next?

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Blog Blog

Book of the Year 2020: 'Out of Love' by Hazel Hayes

Sometimes my favourite book of the year is one that had the best story. Or maybe its one that displayed the most engaging writing. Or perhaps it will have introduced me to a new writer I know I’m going to love.In 2020, it’s a book that was exactly what I needed at exactly the time I read it: Hazel Hayes’ "Out of Love"

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Blog, Reviews Blog, Reviews

“Out of Love” by Hazel Hayes

I am a sucker for stories told out of chronological order, so Out of Love caught my eye a while ago. I don’t know why the concept appeals to me so much. I think it’s something about examining cause and affect, playing around with what the reader knows and when, that somehow suits my sensibilities.

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