New Release Announcement: “A Far Better Thing”

A screenshot of the first page of a manuscript in a word processing document. The title pages says "A Far Better Thing" by Thomas H. Brand, and the first chapter is titled "1630 - March, 320 years ago...")

What’s this? 

Could it be the final version of my new novel, A Far Better Thing? 

I think it bloody is. 

Could you do what it takes to keep humanity safe? Even if it means condemning yourself to Hell for all eternity? 

In 1630, Elizabeth Burford watches as an innocent girl is put to death. A death Elizabeth helped make happen. 

In 1950, Elizabeth Burford runs for her life, pursued by a man she once called her brother. A man who died over a year ago. 

Elizabeth is part of the Circle, a group that believes they must find and sacrifice innocent souls for a ritual that keeps the Devil bound in Hell. They live set apart from the world, knowing that no one outside their number could ever understand the necessity of what they do. No matter how horrific their actions, the alternative means the death of everything. 

But when one of their number turns against them, Elizabeth must confront the possibility that everything the Circle believes is a lie. And if that is the case, how can she possibly face the terrible things she has done in the name of something she no longer believes in? 

It's been a long time since I've released a new book, and I'm incredibly excited to finally have something ready to go out into the world. The first draft of the first chapter was written eight years ago. I was still in the middle of writing The Æther Collection, and the first chapter of this story came to me and wouldn't get out of my head until I wrote it down. I completed the first draft in 2020, in the first weeks of lockdown. (Can you believe that I was actually worried that lockdown wouldn't last long enough for me to have time to finish it? How young and naive we once were.)

Since then, too many things have prevented me from editing, revising, and polishing as quickly as I would have liked. But now I am finally ready to release it to the world. 

I've not settled on a final publication date yet, but it will be this year. I'm just finalising the last few details, and then I'll be able to pick the best time for the release and when it will be ready for pre-order. 

I'll reveal more details over the coming weeks as they are confirmed. 

I can tell you now that it's a supernatural thriller, runs to 254 pages, and will be available in paperback and ebook in the next couple of months.


COVER REVEAL - “A Far Better Thing”


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